Take a southbound Ent to Minas Tirith. Expect delays.

Next stop, the Crack of Doom!

Next stop, the Crack of Doom!


William Puck, subway artist and Tolkien fan, has been posting a series of  Middle Earth-themed Public Service Announcements and Service Notices in the caverns beneath NYC, where the dread Track Trolls lurk.

To Serve and Protect the White Tree

To Serve and Protect the White Tree





While the riding public seems not to notice, the MTA has expressed some disdain for items like the Dunedain’s coronation poster for fear that it may confuse subway riders.  (But not Black Riders.)  More of Mr. Puck’s installations can be seen on his blog site, Puck Works.


  1. Hey, didn’t I already do a post about Mr. Puck last year? New Orc City.

    • Eugene R.

      Yes, sir, you did. The prolific Mr. Puck has been busy, and irking the MTA (my old organization), so I thought he might do with a re-visit.

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